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I really like the idea, and it can be interesting trying to find the best way to stall until your die reroll. Outside of combat, movement can be a bit annoying though since you cant move until you get more movement actions. Also, nothing major but i felt like the crossbow traps didnt really work well. At one point, I did manage to use them to hit an enemy but it was by chance. They just dont really feel like they fit into the whole improvise on the fly since you cant really use them to your advantage in intentional ways. Other then that, I thought it was pretty fun and I would love to see this concept explored further!

Thank you! You're right, we didn't have the time to explore all the mechanics properly. We wanted 20ish levels but had to settle for 7, some more tutorial levels would have gone a long way :)

Thank you for the feedback! :) We wanted to experiment with diffwerent dice, other enemies etc... but time was short.


Neat idea, needs a start menu to not throw the player into it without any idea what's going on.

Yeah, definitely needed a start menu haha. Thanks for playing! :)

Thank you! Yeah... We rushed to finish a working game but it's *just enough* hahaha